Thursday, April 20, 2017

Day 7 of Dr. Fuhrman 10 in 20: Banana Cashew Lettuce Wraps and Cheesy Kale Soup

Romaine Lettuce, Homemade Almond-Cashew Butter, and Sliced Bananas
Breakfast: Banana Cashew Lettuce Wraps

2 tablespoons raw cashew butter
6 Boston lettuce or romaine lettuce leaves
1 banana, thinly sliced

Spread about 1 teaspoon cashew butter on each lettuce leaf. Lay a few banana slices on the butter and roll up like a burrito.

Score: 9/10

I was actually surprised that I enjoyed this breakfast. When I imagined fruit and nut butter with lettuce, it didn't sound appetizing at all! Not bad. I would try these again

Lunch: Leftover Chickpea Curry... Not very exciting. Also, I keep skipping the salads, which is not good. Dr. Fuhrman stresses that you should have at least one big salad a day and that should be the main dish when you do have it. Gotta work on that

Cheesy Kale Soup
Dinner: Cheesy Kale Soup 

4 servings 

½ cup dry yellow split peas 
1 onion, chopped
1 cup mushrooms, sliced 
2 cups carrot juice or low sodium vegetable broth 
1 ½ cups low sodium tomato sauce 
5 cups chopped kale 
1∕3 cup raw cashew butter or 2∕3 cup raw cashews 
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast 

Bring 2 cups of water to a boil, add the split peas and simmer until tender, about 35-40 minutes. Add onion, mushrooms, carrot juice or broth and tomato sauce. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, then add kale. Cover and simmer until tender, about 15 minutes, adding a little water if you want to adjust the consistency. Stir in cashew butter and nutritional yeast. If using whole cashews, place in a blender and blend with ½ cup of the soup liquid, then return to the pot. 

Score: 9.5/10

The texture was slightly grainy. Probably due to my use of cashews instead of cashew butter (or because I didn't blend it long enough). It didn't affect the taste. When I started chopping the veggies for the soup I started thinking about how much I've disliked Dr. Fuhrman's soups in the past. Anticancer soup, anyone? I eventually had to toss all my frozen portions of that soup. Blech. This one was good. The split peas could've been cooked a bit more and the cashews blended better, but that was all on me.

1 comment:

  1. Some interesting dishes. Your photos are beautiful (as usual).

